Comedy Show Review: Trevor Noah Makes Politics Funny at the “Loud and Clear Tour”

Natalya Jones
2 min readMar 17, 2019


Disclosure: I was invited to see Trevor Noah’s comedy show in exchange for this post. All opinions here are my own.

“Sweet Caroline,” sang out comedian and Daily Show host Trevor Noah. The audience eagerly sang back, “Ba, ba, ba.”

“See, I didn’t even plan for that to happen. White people love that song…it makes me so happy,” joked Noah.

Noah was wrapping up his list of things white people love most. The rest of the list included museums (“They’re like a large photo album of all the cool shit you did.”), dogs (“[My friend] let the dog on the couch! You don’t do that in South Africa.”), swimming (“They just flip their hair back so gracefully.”) and being white.

Noah’s set included his political viewpoint, of course. One of the most memorable lines included “branding” with different parties.

“Republicans know how to brand. Pro-life, pro-choice…you know what they’re talking about. Democrats just throw things on a wall and hope they stick,” said Noah.

Continuing, he spoke about his viewpoint on abortion, stating that it didn’t make sense for men to decide what women should do with their body. And, better yet, if women decided what men should do with their body, i.e. masturbate only on Tuesday’s during “Testicle Tuesday”.

Noah especially appealed to the non-Y chromosome section of the audience when speaking about sexual assaults and rape. Bordering on funny and insightful, the comedian gracefully avoided coming off as preachy. It’s no wonder why viewers of the Daily Show resonate so well with Noah — he educates, but does not scold. He makes his point, but isn’t pretentious.

One of his best features, however, was his ability to improvise with audience members. “Check you, man — you got three woman with you tonight!” Noah exclaimed to a male. “That means you’re NOT getting any. When she’s tired, they’re all leaving you.” The audience roared with laughter.

“Ass, balls, ass, balls, ass, balls,” Noah chanted when another audience member walked down a packed row of people to his seat. It was Noah’s ability to improv that truly made his set memorable.

The opening acts proved to be funny with their own style. Vince August took the audience down memory lane with nostalgic tales of the playground, while Josh Johnson proved that his uncle may be crazier than your whole family combined.

Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino was graced with a slew of talent that attendees were lucky to see — and with two shows at that. Here’s to another stop next year for the Loud and Clear Tour.



Natalya Jones

Natalya’s work has been published in Shondaland, HuffPost, Elite Daily, ACTIVE, and more. Visit